Saturday night, 19th May 2007 brought together slightly more than a hundred bloggers and supporters  in Subang Jaya, Malaysia.

Prominent Bloggers, Columnists and Journalists who sat on the panel were Jeff Ooi, Marina Mahathir, Sonia Randhawa, R. Nadeswaran (Citizen-Nades), Ahirudin Atan (RockyBru), Tian Chua, Tony Pua, and Raja Petra!

Exciting speeches, sharing of experiences, and even frustrations amogst those who attended and spoke on the forum set the mood for the evening.

Speakers were then being asked to comment on whether the media environment under the present Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s administration is more open and liberal compared to the previous administration under Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Disecting the question above, can we summarise the question to Is the media environment more FREE under the current administration compared to the former premier’s?

Discussing about the freedom of speech and freedom of expression, I sometimes wonder if we are ready to exercise these rights and be responsible of what we say, and what we write?